SupplyOn presents climate strategy Driving down emissions at all levels to sustainably reduce carbon footprint by 30 percent to the end of this decade

October 6, 2023 · reading time < 2 Min.

With the release of its climate strategy, SupplyOn demonstrates that it is among those companies committed to change and serious about combating climate change. As a global company leading supply chain innovation, SupplyOn is dedicated to bringing sustainability into all aspects of daily operations. Our commitment to sustainable thinking and action ensures that our growth goes along with protecting the environment. As such, we are consistently pursuing our climate strategy and have set ourselves the goal of reducing our emissions and those of our upstream supply chain by 30% through to 2030 compared with 2019.

As part of our climate strategy, we support a rainforest project in Brazil. This forest conservation project covers an area of 70,000 hectares in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. The project's aim is to improve the quality of life of local people by training farmers in sustainable agriculture and forestry. In addition, the biodiversity of the forest is to be preserved, for example by protecting various species of wildlife. The project has been recognized by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as exemplary for sustainable forest management in Latin America and the Caribbean and is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as a global reference for sustainable timber production.

More information on the forest conservation project