In times of Corona, how can Track & Trace help to solve the challenges ahead?

The Corona pandemic took us all completely by surprise. Few people expected a “black-swan” event like this. And even the boldest risk scenarios have not foreseen or dealt with the scale of the problem we are currently experiencing.
Supply chains have been severely disrupted or even completely collapsed within a short period of time, especially in the automotive and aviation industries. If important suppliers stop producing, warehouses are not working and transports out of “red zones” are not possible, then production cannot be maintained, or only with great difficulty.
But not everything has come to a standstill. Where production is still going on, it is now particularly important to know what is happening during transport, how long are the waiting times at the borders, where are the restrictions and what time effects will this have on the delivery.
Real-time tracking during transport, combination with other (risk) data
With Real-Time Visibility, SupplyOn offers a solution that brings together data from different sources and thus makes it available to all participants in the supply chain. It thus answers the questions: “Where is my material and will it arrive on time?
Transparency about the whereabouts of the goods in real-time is the first step and serves as the basis for further decisions.
Furthermore, in corona times, it means identifying the use cases where the combination of Track & Trace (T&T) information with other data sources such as risk reports, closures of logistics centers or even of borders and regional lock-downs etc. leads to valuable insights on the specific supply situation of your very own production.
If you know whether you still have access to a region, how long you have to wait at the borders and, on top, if you receive T&T information in real-time, then you can react accordingly.
On land as well as at sea
Transports of goods to and from China and the USA have been, and still are, particularly affected. With its Seafreight T&T solution, SupplyOn offers real-time information on the status of the shipped goods at the respective port as well as on the location and planned time of arrival of the shipments, all of this at part-number level.
This means that there is full visibility about whether and how quickly a port is still working, whether a ship is still seaborne and whether port closures will affect arrival times.
All of this helps you to plan the supply chain, inventories and measures to remedy disruptions.
Track & Trace also supports the restart phase
Although we do not yet know when exactly the economy is expected to restart, one thing is certain: the global economy is going to restart.
Especially in this phase, it will be essential to have real-time information on the status of deliveries. After all, one thing is certain: the restart will not happen without problems. Whether a supplier is already able to deliver in full again, which deliveries are on their way and where these are, whether there are delays at sea, at customs or in logistics centers, all of this information will help to manage the restart and to take timely action. But for this, you need the appropriate systems and relevant data.
This is exactly what you gain by using the SupplyOn T&T solution combined with SupplyOn Analytics: All information from numerous sources is consolidated in a clear and concise manner in one place. This ensures full visibility and enables you to react and manage efficiently.
Stay healthy!