Supply chain resolutions 2022: (2) make digital processes a daily habit

The pandemic has revealed to businesses all at once exactly where digitization is not yet going so well. Processing paper invoices, for example, suddenly becomes much more complicated when all employees are working from home.
The same is true in other areas, as well. In fact, all supply chain processes that require a lot of manual work and frequent face-to-face coordination are now even more time-consuming, more cumbersome — and likely more error-prone — in the distributed, hybrid working world of corona. Or take quality management, which requires extensive coordination and collaboration among various parties. Without the right tools in place, this is a challenge, to say the least. More than ever, it all comes down to: digitizing, digitizing, digitizing.
It is not about “just” introducing digital processes. The key is to ensure that these digital processes are actually turned into a daily practice.
Ensuring actual use is the most important thing
Only if all those involved — both at the customer and at the supplier — make full use of digital solutions will they reap the benefits. And this way become active beneficiaries of supply chain digitization.
Usage reports are the key
The first important step is a good onboarding strategy. It lays the foundations for a widespread use of new, digital solutions by all those involved.
Dedicated reports, the SupplyOn Usage Monitors, provide transparency about this usage and the onboarding success of new solutions. In addition to the specific rollout progress, these also visualize the usage quality and intensity of the specific solutions and sub-processes. This way, companies can identify at a glance which digital processes still have potential for optimization.
Learn more about this here.
My tip: With the help of the Usage Monitors, you can detect and eliminate potential workflow interruptions, such as missing configurations, very early in the connection phase. And in later day-to-day business, it’s often worth taking a detailed look at supplier or plant level when it comes to expanding digital usage.
Further resolutions for 2022: